Sakina Mohammed Mota is a doctoral student working as a graduate research assistant in the Biomedical Optics Lab. She completed her undergraduate program in the field of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and later worked as a graduate engineer at Nokia for a year. Her motivation to study further and her drive to make an impact on the healthcare industry made her apply for graduate studies in the biomedical domain. Her thesis is in the field of computer vision applied to the quality analysis of stem cells. Sakina is passionate about research in the fields of artificial intelligence, data science, signal/image processing, medical devices, and instrumentation. Apart from academics, she enjoys serving the student community through her leadership in several organizations on campus. In her free time, she loves to read, bake, and trek.
Dissertation Title: Optical imaging and morphological image analysis for real-time monitoring of stem cells
Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Engineering (BMEN), Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas (August 2017 – Present)
Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE), SSN College of Engineering, Anna University, India (August 2012 – May 2016)
HEEP Fellowship – Hagler Institute for Advanced Study Bradley L. “Brad” Worsham ’88 (June 2019 – May 2020)
Diversity Service Student Award, Department of Multicultural Services, Texas A&M University (April 2020)
SWE 2019 Collegiate Research Poster Competition – 2nd Place Winner (November 2019)
Microscopy and Imaging Center Open House Poster Competition – 2nd Place Winner (October 2019)
Biomedical Engineering Department Graduate Student Travel Grant Recipient (March 2018)